Ian is amazing...can fix anything, build anything, writes novels,writes songs,sings, plays guitar, whistle, boudhran and bass, puts up with me on a daily basis (we work together, so it isnt always easy!), designed my Thyme2dream banner....and lots of other wonderful stuff.
He also recently joined me in my jewelry business making circlets and other things that require the use of power tools (much safer OUT of my hands). I was going to post a photo of the amazing new design he is working on for his daughter's wedding, but its not quite ready for photos today, so here is one of his older designs, available in his Etsy Shop, Dragonrider Circlets

Happy Anniversary Ian~ I love you!!!!
Happy Anniversary! :)
just stopping by to drop EC, read your post and found you are celebrating a special moment..
Happy anniversary ...!!
wish you a great life :)
Happy anniversary to the two of you! And a wonderful year ahead!
Congratulations on your anniversary! Having a wonderful man in your life is SUCH a blessing, isn't it?
Happy Anniversary! May you have many, many more years of happiness together!
Happy anniversary to both of you.
How wonderful that you are both creative and can share it with each other. Wishing you many more years of happiness together!
P.S. I love the tiara from your previous post. It is lovely:)
Congratulations on the anniversary my friend! Our 9th is coming soon too :).
That circlet is simply superb, the textures of the stones is to die for!
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