Meet our latest Jewelry customer:-)
Elle (aka Legally Blonde) is a beautiful minature horse from New Brighton Stables in Raleigh, NC. Thanks to a bit of Ian's woodworking magic along with a snippet of my czech glass and crystal bling, she will be magically transformed into a unicorn for an AMHA Regional Show the end of this month.

Because it had to be very lightweight, Ian hand-carved the horn out of a block of balsa wood, painted it and made the wire loops to secure the horn to Elle's harness. He then turned it over to me for decoration. This was another project where our customer (it was actually Cyndy at NBS who emailed, not Elle;-) was a bit tentative when approaching us with what she thought was a "strange" request. I was delighted with the idea and Ian was his usual genius self in coming up with the design for the horn.

Elle's handler will be wearing this ice crown...similar to the one Jadis the White Witch wears in The Lion The Witch and The Wardrobe. The crown also required a bit of innovation as well as an internet search for just the right quality of acrylic icicles. Ian constructed the main structure and I addded the combs and bits to secure it as well as decorating the base.
The crown is now for sale in my ArtFire Shop. Im not sure about the unicorn horn~I dont know how many miniature horses there are out there looking for a horn...but if you know of one, or would just like the unicorn horn as fanciful home or garden decor, please let us know! As always if you have a strange jewelry or costume accessory request, never be afraid to ask...we love a challenge;-)
UPDATE: We were delighted to learn that our costume accouterments helped Elle and her crew take FIRST PLACE in the national competition:)
What a beautiful work!!!! A horse will never be happier :) - and the icicle crown is simply gorgeous!
very cute! The crown is really beautiful. I bought some earrings from you last year, when I decided I should try to wear earrings again. I ruined one ear, and can't wear pierced earrings. Thanks to you and your grandmother for filling a needed niche. {:-Deb
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