My eldest, Matthew the warrior...expert on everything, official big brother to the world (the good kind, not the one that watches everyone with evil intent), alternate reality Elvis, Red Sox fan, gift of God (I cant help it, that's what his name means- do keep in mind his middle name means "crooked nose" so that sort of evens it out a bit;), writer and aspiring English teacher.

Middle son Timothy the wondrous...word weaver(poet), musician, ancient soul, prophet (the kind who hears from the heart of God, not the fortune telling kind), curator of one of the most amazing music collections on the planet, proud owner of a theremin AND a didgeridoo, master of gentle-sharp witticisms, and bringer of joy into early morning lives~aka barista. (photo assemblage by Matthew)

Youngest son, Jesse the undiscovered...artist who did the "photoshoppage" on this photo and the one of Matthew, channeler of old Carl Perkins songs ("took some honey from a tree, dressed it up and they called it me.." google it;-), indie fashion t-shirt designer, also barista and dweller in coolest apartment of the family.
NOTE: these photos ARE Jesse & Matthew's copywrited material, and I am 6'3" and a fierce mama bear if someone messes with my cubs...do NOT steal or borrow or think about using these without permission. (pretty please:)
Your youngest son did an amazing job on these photos. I visit a lot of blogs and because of this I have seen a lot of photos, it is nice to see a different take on family photos.
Hope your week is filled with blessings...
P.S. Your jewelry is wicked...
What a beautiful post! You are blessed with that super-talented guys, lucky fairy!
As a mom of 3 boys myself (24, 23, 21), I completely relate to the mama bear factor!
You have very talented sons!
Thank you for posting. You are obviously a very talented family!
What a cool post, and cool pics *runs off with them* Don't eat me!
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